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Shuchi's Comic and Basic Animation Workshops


After graduating from California College of the Arts in 2019 with an MFA in Comics, Shuchi decided to offer her own comic and basic animation workshops as a part of the after school care programs run across the bay area. Her curriculum, content and teaching team have been a great success in San Francisco, CA and have helped her expand her business in Pittsburgh, PA, Charlotte, NC, Savannah and Atlanta, GA. 


Her workshops are a mix of visual storytelling, reading, writing and  illustrations. 

The focus of her workshops is to help students better their ability to express, communicate and think out of the box. 


Her workshops take one on a journey to explore fantasy worlds with self created, designed and developed comic characters.  The adventures of these characters are narrated through images, texts, panel layouts, speech and thought balloons, emanata and sound effects. At the end of each workshop, students get a chance to show off their cartoon strip or mini comic or a self created GIF or a short animated video! You can view her curated student gallery to see some of the student work produced in her studios!

Shuchi is constantly looking to hire and expand her workshops in different parts of the United States.

If you would like to find out more about them or be a part of her team, please contact her at

Upcoming Workshops:

10th June 2024: Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University

22nd June 2024: Brookhaven Library, Dekalb County

Upcoming Talks:

10 - 12th July 2024: International Graphic Novel and Comic Conference, Norwich, UK

23 - 26th Oct 2024: Southeastern College Art Conference, Atlanta, GA

30th Nov - 1st Dec 2024: Stuttgart Comic Con

4th - 7th Jan 2025: Hawaii International Conference On Education, Honolulu, Hawaii

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